View fonts for non-Latin languages in Transit NXT
View fonts for non-Latin languages in Transit NXT
While translating languages with non-Latin fonts like Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, etc., you might sometimes wonder why the font is not correctly displayed in the Transit NXT translation editor. If you work with any of these languages in Transit NXT, you have to map the correct font with the language in question.
For most of the cases, the best solution would be to set the font as “Arial Unicode MS” standard Unicode font. But sometimes, you might have to map a language to a particular font so that you can view it correctly in the Transit NXT translation editor. Lets first see how to set the font as “Arial Unicode MS”. You can do this by changing the settings in User Preferences | Colours and Fonts as shown in the screenshot below.
Select “Arial Unicode MS” from the dropdown list. Click on "Save" and then on "OK". After this, do not forget to restart Transit NXT for the changes to come into effect. If this does not work, there is another way around! We shall now see how to map a language to a specific Unicode font so that it can be correctly viewed in the editor while translating and reviewing. The languages with non-Latin fonts are listed in User Preferences | Non-Latin Fonts as shown in the screenshot below:
Lets take the example of Bengali. One of the Unicode fonts compatible with Bengali is Shonar Bangla. Select this font from the dropdown list and click on "Save" and then on "OK". Then restart Transit NXT for the changes to come into effect. This can be done for any non-Latin language. You just need to know which Unicode font is compatible with the non-Latin language in question and select that from the dropdown. That’s all for now. Hope this tooltip answered your questions regarding correctly viewing fonts for non-Latin languages in the Transit NXT editor. Thanks for reading! Please do not hesitate to send us your comments or questions or to ask for specific tooltips.
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