Short cut Nº 4: Entering and using notes for a segment

Short cut Nº 4: Entering and using notes for a segment
Notes is a very useful and practical feature provided by Transit NXT. As a project manager, you can enter notes in the "Source" field of the Notes window to draw the translator's attention on particular segments. And as a translator, you can enter notes in the "Target" field of the Notes window for pretranslated segments for example, or point out instances of unclear wording in the source text. Lets see how this works. The following screenshot shows the 'Target' and 'Source' fields in the Notes window where you can enter your notes.
The following shortcuts can be used for navigating back and forth between the target language window and the Notes window for entering notes:
- ALT+4 - Switch to the Notes window
- + (numeric keypad) - Switch to the 'target' field in the Notes window
- - (numeric keypad) - Switch to the 'source' field in the Notes window
- ALT+2 - Switch back to the target language window
The following shortcuts can be used to navigate between segments containing notes. Make sure that you are in the Notes window (ALT+4) before using any of these shortcuts:
- ALT+PLUS - To jump to the next source-language note
- ALT+MINUS - To go back to the previous source-language note
- CTRL+PLUS - To jump to the next target-language note
- CTRL+MINUS - To go back to the previous target-language note
- ALT+CTRL+PLUS - To jump to the next source or target-language note
- ALT+CTRL+MINUS - To go to the previous source or target-language note
Please use the + and - key on the numeric keypad. Project managers should keep in mind to remove the "Read-only" protection before entering notes in the "Source" filed in the Notes window. This can be done by unchecking the "Read-only" option from Edit | Text as shown in the screenshot below:
It is highly recommended to reactivate this option after entering notes for the source segments. Hope you find this feature and the shortcuts provided by Transit NXT useful. Do send in your feedback or comments and let us know if you need to know more.
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