Quick Access Toolbar
Quick Access Toolbar
Welcome to a new tooltip about Transit NXT. This time we'll be introduced to the Quick Access Toolbar. As its very name indicates, this is simply a bar, in Transit NXT's interface, used to access something quickly. Access what, precisely? Anything you want.
For example, in the post Adding terms to the dictionary we saw how to launch the Rapid Entry by clicking on the Review menu, then clicking on the button in question. That means: two clicks, but they could be more. You could run it using an accelerator, but still it's three key strokes (Alt,T,R). If you want to launch it with just one click, you can add the relevant button to the Quick Access Toolbar, and it will always available on the upper left side of the interface. Obviously, this is valid for any function or dialog, but it can be is especially useful for functions you use very frequently.
So, in order to add a shortcut button for the Rapid entry to the Quick Access Toolbar, you must go to Transit button | User preferences | Quick Access Toolbar (alternatively, in this particular case you can also click on the toolbar's downside arrow, and then select Customize Quick Access Toolbar).
In the customization dialog that will be displayed, select Terminology tab and add Rapid Entry to the list on the right (you need to have some language pair open to see the Terminology option, read the footnote to see why):
Once you have done that, you will be able to launch the Rapid entry dialog by clicking on it.
Or, alternatively, pressing Alt,<num>, where <num> is the number associated with its button in the Quick Access Toolbar (in this example: Alt,3).
You could also create a macro so that the dialog is launched with a keyboard combination or shortcut (two or more keys pressed at the same time), but let that be the topic of a future tooltip.One footnote: We used the dialog Rapid entry to show the Quick Access Toolbar functionality. As this is a Transit function, you need to "be in Transit" so as to have that option available, meaning that you need to have some language pair open. Otherwise, you'll be in TermStar, and only TermStar options and functions will be displayed in the user preferences.And that's all for now. Thanks for reading, and please do not hesitate to send your comments or questions or to ask for specific tooltips.
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